Monday, 10 February 2025

The Manipur Science & Technology Council (MASTEC) organised various centrally sponsored workshops/trainings relevant to the state including science popularisation to fulfill the objectives for establishment of the Council. The following are the programmes so far implemented by MASTEC.

One day Workshop on "Patent Awareness', Feb.3, 1997 at State Guest House, Imphal:

Eighty participants from various government organisations, NGOs, academic institutions in the state including Manipur University, Central Agricultural University etc. attended the workshop. The main objective of the programme was to make people aware about patenting. A team of scientists from Technology Information Forecasting & Assesssment Council (TIFAC), Govt. of India(GoI) and reputed patent consultant firms interacted with the participants on various aspects on patenting, patent rights etc. and made them fully aware of it. The workshop was sponsored by Technology, Information, Forecasting, Assessment Council (TIFAC), DST, GoI, New Delhi.

  • Regional Workshop on 'Technology vision 2020 and Appropriate Technology for North eastern Region',Feb.17,1997 at State Guest House, Imphal.

    One hundred participants from North Eastern States and officials from state government attended the workshop. Nine resource persons including the Head, Regional Sophisticated Instrumentation Centre(RSIC), Shillong presented papers and shared their view on identification of appropriate technologies for N-E Region. The programme was sponsored by North Eastern Council, Shillong and DST, Govt. of Manipur.

Science Meet 97, April 24-27, 1997:

MASTEC observes National Science Day as a science festival called Science Meet with the following objectives,

  1. To remind us of our responsibility towards the potential Ramans among our children in terms of early identifications and nurturing.

  2. To focus attention on the responsibility of Science and Scientists towards society at large to bring about socio-economic change.

  3. To create a common platform for science students, science lovers and scientists to further cause of science popularisation.

The Science Meet 97(SM-97) was organised in association with three local leading Science NGOs viz., Science Teachers Forum(STF), Manipur Association.

One Day workshop on Food Technology for Manipur:

It was sponsored by CFTRI, Mysore and MASTEC held on 18th November 1997 at Imphal.

One Day Regional Workshop on Opportunities for Young Scientist:

It was sponsored by H.R.Unit, DST, GoI held on Feb. 9, 1998 at Imphal.

Science Meet 98 in Connection with National Science day:

Science Meet 98 with the theme "50 years of India's Independence" sponsored by NCSTC, DST, GoI was held at KUKI, INN, Imphal during Feb.25-28, 1998.During the inaugural session, a seminar was held on the topic "India's Achievements in the past 50 years of India's Independence".The programme was organised by MASTEC in co-ordination with the leading 3(three) NGO's, viz.,1) STF 2) MASS 3) MAPS

Three Days Entrepreneurship Awareness camp sponsored by NSTEDB, DST, GoI:

It was held during March 6-9, 1998 at ITI, Imphal(Imphal District), Manipur.

Three Days Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp:

Sponsored by NSFTEDB, DST, GoI held during March 9-11, 1998 at Toubal (Thoubal district), Manipur.

Four Day Workshop for Science Communicators:

Workshop is sponsored by NCSTC, DST, GoI was organised at Imphal during 27-30, May 1998 with the focal theme of enhancing S&T popularisation in the state.

Interaction Meet on science and society Programmes for Nagaland and Manipur:

It was held at Imphal during 25-26, August 1998 and sponsored by Science & Society, DST, GoI, New Delhi.

7th Regional Meeting of the state S&T Councils/Departments for North Eastern Region:

The 7th Regional Meeting of State S&T Councils of North Eastern Region was organised at Imphal during Sept.9-10, 1998.

Two Days Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps:

It was organised during Dec.8-9, 1998 at Churachanpur District Manipur under the sponsored by NSTEDB, DST, Govt. of India.

Three Days Workshop on Passive Solar Building technologies:

Sponsored by MNES, Govt. of India, Delhi was organised during Feb.1-3, 1999 at Imphal.

State Level Nature Orientation Workshop for master resource persons was organised at Loktak lake:

It was organised during April 8-22, 1999 and programme was catalysed and supported by NCSTC, DST, New-Delhi as part of their science popularisation programme in the country.

Sensitisation workshop on S&T Popularisation:

It was organised during April23-24,1999. A calendar of activities on science popularisation to be taken up by MASTEC during 1999-2000 was also identified during the workshop. The two day programme was catalysed and supported by NCSTC, DST, Govt. of India.

Science Meet 1999 in connection with National Science Day:

Science Meet 1999 was organised by Manipur Science and Technology Council(MASTEC) in association with the Manipur Association for Science and Society (MASS), a local science body, at the Sports Authority of India Complex, Takyelpat, Imphal during May 10-13, 1999. The programme was sponsored by NCSTC, DST, Govt. of India.

One day State level seminar on Fishing Crafts & Gears for Inland Capture Fisheries:

It was organised on May 28, 1999 at Imphal. The programme was taken up as part of the project on "Survey Documentation & Validation of Infra technology of Fishing Crafts and Gear in Manipur" supported by DST, Govt. of India.

Total Solar Eclipse Programme:

MASTEC sent three selected college teachers(Physics) to Bhubaneshwar(Orissa) for training to become resource persons in the field of total solar eclipse under the sponsorship of NCSTC, DST. And a Training Programme for Master Resource Persons was organised during July 16-17, 1999 in which those were trained at Bhubaneshwar were utilised as resource persons. It was sponsored by NCSTC, DST, Govt. of India.

State Level Workshop on Science Writing/Journalism:

It was organised by MASTEC during October 4-7, 1999 and sponsored by NCSTC, DST, Govt. of India.

Millennium Science Seminar:

MASTEC in association with Manipur Science Communicators Association (MASCA), a local science body organised a Millennium Science seminar on December 31, 1999 at the campus of the Modern College, Imphal to observe the new Millennium year.

Nature Orientation Camp:

Nature Orientation Camp for the children of the Imphal District was organised during March 13-16, 2000 at Porompat, Imphal. The camp was catalysed and supported by NCSTC, DST, Govt. of India.

Training in Rabbit and Japanese Quail Production:

It was organised during March 27-29, 2000. The Programme was catalysed by Polytechnology transfer Centre(PTC) Bhopal and RRl, Jammu and sponsored by CSIR, New Delhi.

State Level Training Workshop on Learning Mathematics through Origami:

It was held during January 15-18, 2000 at Hotel Imphal. Two resource persons(Mr.Asis Karak & Ranjan Miashal) from Science Centre, Midnapur, West Bengal imparted in depth training to the participants.

Training Workshop on Science of Flight:

The 1st State Level Training Workshop on "Science of Flight" was organized during April 17-19, 2001 at Panchayat Bhavan, Porompat, Imphal.

Science Meet 2001:

The Science Meet 2001 was organised by MASTEC in coordination with 3(three) leading science NGOs of the state like Science Teachers' Forum, Manipur (STFM), Manipur Association for Promotion of Science (MAPS) and Manipur Science Communicators' Association (MASCA) at Manipur.

Training Workshop On Puppetry For S&T Communication:

After successful organisation of the State level training workshop on Puppetry for S&T Communication, the first district level training workshop on puppetry for S&T Communication for the participants of Imphal West, Thoubal and Chandel districts was held during January 5-9, 2002 at Pujari High School, Khangabok, Thoubal District. The training was organised by MASTEC in co-ordination with Manipur Science Communicators' Association, Imphal & Social Development Association, Khangabok. The programme was catalysed and supported by National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC), Department of Science & Technology, Government of India.

Two Day Regional Workshop on Application of Radioisotopes and Radiation in Society for N-E Region:

Two Day Regional Workshop on Applications of Radioisotopes and radiation in Society for North eastern Region was organised by Manipur Science and Technology Council (MASTEC), Imphal and National Association in Applications of Radioisotopes and Radiation in Industry (NAARRI), Mumbai during May 31- June 1, 2001 at the Gandhi Memorial Hall (G.M. Hall) of Imphal City. Shri P.B.O. Warjri, Principal Secretary to Government of Manipur inaugurated the function and Dr. V. Venkat Raj, President, NAARRI, Mumbai presided over the inaugural function.

Science Meet 2002:

MASTEC in coordination with the leading science NGOs of the state like Science Teachers' Forum, Manipur (STFM), Manipur Association for Science and Society (MASS), Manipur Association for Promotion of Science (MAPS) and Manipur Science Communicators' Association (MASCA) organised the 5 day long Science Meet 2002 during May 11-15, 2002 at Manipur Kangshang, Khuman Lampak Stadium Complex Imphal. Science Meet 2002 was a combined celebration of the National Science Day 2002 and the National Technology Day 2002.

Training Workshop on Science Journalism / Writing:

The Training Workshop on Science Writing/Journalism for Chandel District, Manipur was organised during June 10- 13, 2002 at the Conference Hall of the Hotel De Khunai Resort at Moreh in Chandel District, Manipur.

State Level Training Workshop on Disaster Management:

A 3-day state level training workshop on Disaster Management was organized during July 29-31, 2002 at the State Youth Centre, Khuman Lampak, Imphal.

District Level Training Workshops on Puppetry for Science and Technology Communication:

The 5 days residential training workshop on puppetry for Science and Technology Communication for Bishnupur, Churachandpur and Tamenglong districts were held during August 29 -September 2, 2002 at Mangolnganbi College, Ningthoukhong, Bishnupur district.

Imphal West Nature Camp:

The Imphal West Nature Camp was held from December 27 to December 30, 2002 at the campus of Malom Megha High School, Malom Bazar, Imphal West District.

Senapati District Nature Camp:

The Senapati camp was organized by MASTEC in co-ordination with Manipur Science Communicators' Association, Imphal and H.M.higher Secondary School, Keithelmanbi. during January 7 - 10, 2003 at the campus of H.M.Higher Secondary School, Keithelmanbi, Senapati district.

Churachandpur District Nature Camp:

The Churachandpur district nature camp was organized at Wesleyan College of Arts and Science, Rengkai, Churachandpur during January 20 - 23, 2003 at the campus of Wesleyan College of Arts and Science. It was organized by MASTEC in co-ordination with Manipur Science Communicators' Association, Imphal and Meetei Youth Organisation, Churachandpur.

Chandel District Nature Camp:

The camp for the children of Chandel District was organized during January 28 - 31, 2003 at the complex of Institute of Responding to Conflict and Development (IRCOD), Nungourok, Chandel district. It was organized by Manipur Science and Technology Council in co-ordination with Manipur Science Communicators' Association, Imphal and Socio Rural Development Organisation (SRDO), Nungourok.

Design Workshop on Innovative Products:

A two day State Level Workshop on Design Innovative Products organized in association with Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI), CSIR, Chennai was held on March 13-14, 2003 at the Hotel Imphal, Imphal. The programme was sponsored by CLRI Chennai.

Training Workshop on Model Rocketry:

A 6 day long state level Training Workshop on Model Rocketry, catalysed and supported by NCSTC, DST, GoI. New Delhi by NCSTC, DST, Govt. of India was organised during March 25-30, 2003 at the Conference Hall of the State Youth Centre, Imphal.

Science Meet 2003:

MASTEC in coordination with the leading science NGOs of the State like Manipur Association for Science and Society (MASS), Manipur Association for Promotion of Science (MAPS), Manipur Science Communicators' Association (MASCA) and Generation De New Image (GENIM), Ningthoukhong organised the 5 day long Science Meet 2003 during May 11-15, 2003 at Khuman Lampak Main Stadium, Imphal.

National Technology Day - Lecture Series Program:

MASTEC has organised 2 day Lecture Series Programme at two places on 21 - 22 July 2003 at Modern College, Imphal and 30 - 31 July 2003 at INA Memorial Hall, Moirang in coordination with NSS Cell, Modern College and VESCO, Moirang respectively. Ten Resource persons/Scientists gave lectures on various topics - Space Science, Nuclear Science, Laser Tech., Food & Agriculture Tech., Health & Medical, IT and Industry Technology. The lecture series was organised as a continuing programme of the National Technology Day 2003 which was held during May 11-15 2003 by MASTEC, Imphal.

District Level Lecture Series on Disaster Management:

MASTEC has organised district level lecture series on disaster management during August-September 2003 as a follow programme of the 3-day State Level Training Workshop on Disaster Manangement held at Imphal during July 29-31, 2002. Experts from different fields have delivered lectures on Earthquake, Landslide, Fire, thunderstorm & Lightening, Road Accidents etc. On an average about 250 participants witnessed each of the lectures.

Training Workshop on Japanese Quail Farming:

A 2 day Training Workshop on Japanese Quail Farming was organised on 12 and 19 November, 2003 at the Conference Hall of State Youth Centre, Khuman Lampak, Imphal.

National Science Day:

Manipur Science & Technology Council has observed the National Science Day-2004 on 28th February, 2004 to mark the discovery of "Raman Effect(1928)" at Royal Academy of Science, Ningthempukhri Mapal, Imphal under the banner of Year of Scientific Awareness-2004. The GoI has announced the theme of the National Science Day-2004 as "Encouraging Scientific Awareness in the Community". Many invitees/dignitaries from the science NGOs, Schools, Colleges and Students, in particular, were attended. Popular Science Lectures from the eminent resource persons, question & answer and interaction from the students were the main activities of the Day.

Meetings/Conferences organised:

MASTEC organised a meeting of the High Level Team of Scientists from CSIR led by Dr. H.R. Bhojwani, Science Secretary and Head, H.U. Unit) & DST, Govt of India(led by Dr. Laxman Prasad, Advisor) with state officials(led by Deputy chief Minister of the Govt. of Manipur on Nov.15, 1999 at the C.M.'s Secretariat Conference Hall and with NGO's on Nov. 16, 1999 at the State Guest House on the main objectives of activating the Regional Research Laboratory(RRL) Sub-station under CSIR at Imphal established in the year 1972. A number of recommendation were made in the meeting as follows:

1. Upgradation of RRL Sub-station Imphal with compound wall, laboratory infrastructure and more scientific manpower;

2. Opening of a Technology Demonstration Centre at MASTEC;

3. Empowering MASTEC as CSIR window organisation.