Wednesday, 15 January 2025

There are ten State sponsored undertakings under the purview of the Department of Commerce & Industries, Manipur namely:

1) Manipur Handloom & Handicrafts Development Corporation Ltd.

2) Manipur Cements Ltd.

3) Manipur Spinning Mills Ltd.

4) Manipur Industrial Development Corporation Ltd.

5) Manipur Cycle Corporation Ltd.

6) Manipur Electronics Development Corporation Ltd.

7) Manipur Food Industries Corporation Ltd.

8) Manipur Pulp and Allied Products Ltd.

9) Manipur State Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and

10) Manipur Vanaspati and Allied Industries Ltd.

All these undertakings have been facing financial problems and there was paucity of fund for maintenance.


Manipur Spinning Mills Corporation Ltd.

The Manipur Spinning Mills Corporation Ltd. was established in 1972 and incorporated in the year 1974 for production of gray cotton yarn in hank form to cater to the needs of weavers of the State with a licensed capacity of 25,488 spindles. So far, 16,416 spindles only have been installed. Cotton is the main item of raw material for manufacture of yarn. The mill procured 2534 bales of cotton amounting to Rs. 257.37 lakhs, produced 358.44 M.T. of gray cotton yarn amounting to Rs. 329.74 lakhs and sold it along with 10.53 M.T. of waste cotton amounting to Rs. 3.22 lakhs during 2000-01. The sales turnover was Rs. 341.53 lakhs during 2000-01. No equity share capital was received from the Government of Manipur during 2000-01. There were 422 employees including 337 workers by the end of March 2001.

Manipur Cements Ltd.

The Manipur Cements Ltd. was incorporated in 1988 to run and manage the 50 TPD Hundung Cement Factory and also to run other mineral based industries. The authorised share capital of the Company is Rs. 350 lakhs and the paid up share capital is Rs. 159.79 lakhs. The Company has a staff strength of 68 only. 98.35 M.T. of cement amounting to Rs. 3.34 lakhs was produced during 2000-01.

Manipur State Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

The Manipur State Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd. was incorporated in 1989 and commercial production started from 1993 but it has stopped production at present.

Manipur Food Industries Corporation Ltd.

The Manipur Food Industries Corporation Ltd. was incorporated in the year 1997 by changing the name from the erstwhile Manipur Sugar Mills Ltd. for development of viable food processing units in Manipur. The authorised share capital of the company is Rs. 7 crores. The company is going to establish a Food Processing Industrial Park near Mechanised Dye House Complex at Iroishemba, Imphal. The main objective for the establishment of Food Park is to provide basic infrastructural facilities such as land, building, cold storage, power, water supply and marketing facilities for the identified industrial units to be established by the selected entrepreneurs in the food park. The company will provide assistance and support services in the field of technical, financial, marketing, etc. to these units.

The project envisages to provide direct employment to 912 persons and indirect employment to more than 10,000 families at a project cost of Rs. 7.80 crores of which Rs. 4.00 crores will be financed by the Government of India. The Department of Food Processing, Government of India for the above project, has released a sum of Rs.1.60 crores.