Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Industrial Policy of Manipur, 1996

For growth and development of industry, the State Government has adopted a new industrial policy known as the Industrial Policy of Manipur, 1996 effective from 01/01/1995 for;

a) creation of an integrated investor-friendly environment

b) providing infrastructural development support

c) maximizing resource utilization

d) increasing competitiveness, quality improvement and skill up gradation

e) removal of industrial sickness

f) promotion of Indo-Myanmar border trade and

g) providing a package of incentives/subsidies over and above the facilities provided by the Government of India from time to time.

A brief of the incentives provided in the above policy is enumerated below:

  1. State investment Subsidy @ 15% on the fixed capital investment on plant & machinery, subject to a maximum of Rs.15 lakhs per unit and 20% for EOU's subject to a maximum of Rs. 20 lakhs per unit.
  2. State Transport Subsidy at the rate to be notified by the Government from time to time.
  3. Interest subsidy @ 5% per annum on working capital and term loan taken from the banks/financial institutions and 7% for EOUs/weaker sections.
  4. Market support and 20% price preference.
  5. Factory sheds in the industrial estate at a concessional rate of 50% of the actual rent for entrepreneurs of all categories and 55% in case of Export Oriented Units (EOU) and units set up by weaker section for a period of five years.
  6. Subsidy @ 50% of the expenditure on drawl of power line from the main line to factory subject to a maximum of Rs. 50,000/- per unit. In case of weaker sections and EOUs, the subsidy will be 55% subject to a maximum of Rs. 55,000/- per unit.
  7. Man power development: Entrepreneurs are eligible to claim for reimbursement of 50% cost subject to a ceiling of Rs. 3,500/- per trainee for technical training in Government recognised/reputed training institutions/ established industrial concerns.
  8. Subsidy @ 50% of the cost for feasibility study and project report preparation subject to a ceiling of Rs. 25,000/- in each case and 60% subject to a ceiling of Rs. 30,000/- for EOUs/WS.
  9. Subsidy @ 50% of the cost of obtaining technical know-how.
  10. Reimbursement of stamp duty and registration fee.
  11. D.G. Set purchase: An entrepreneur is eligible to claim 25% subsidy for purchase of the D.G. set of 10 H.P. or more subject to a ceiling of Rs. 30,000/- In case of weaker sections and EOUs, the subsidy shall be 30% subject to a maximum of Rs. 36,000/-.