Tuesday, 22 October 2024




Project Title: Development of Technology Demonstration and Dissemination System.

Financial Pattern:

Total Project Cost: -15.04 lakhs
CSIR Share - 5.80 lakhs
DST, GoI Share - 9.24 lakhs
Released Amount
a) DST, GoI - 6.00 lakhs
b) CSIR - 5.80 lakhs
Total released -11.80 lakhs

Date of Commencement - 22 December 2000
Projected Completion - 31 March 2004


Development of Technology Demonstration and Dissemination System is a project work jointly funded by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, and Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi. The system involves analyses of technology requirements of the state, performance of the traditional technologies and of proven technologies in the local context.

The single window service to the technology users for dissemination of appropriate technologies seems to hold much promise about effective Science & Technology intervention in development activities in the state. The system intends to serve different parties viz., the technology generators, technology traders, technology users (entrepreneurs, NGOs, and government departments, researchers) and financing institutions at a time together thereby causing a synergistic boost of technology pushed industrial activity in Manipur.

The project Development of Technology Demonstration and Dissemination System analyses the technology requirements of the state. It can cause a trend setting impact on the sleeping industrial economy of the technology-starved State.

The technology information management (procurement, storage and delivery) requires software development and computer aided presentation etc.

Need based technology generation, modification works etc. will demand design development and performance analyses purely through R&D research with the help of capable laboratories and organizations.

The system when developed and used as an outsourcing centre on regular basis can be a source of information about traditional technologies and other various technologies given by different technology transfer organizations, national and international.

The industrial scenario in Manipur can really be changed with the help of this project Development of Technology Demonstration and Dissemination System.


The Project Development of Technology Demonstration and Dissemination System was designed with the following objectives:

  1. Assessment of technology requirements in all the developmental sectors in Manipur.
  2. Inventorisation of the existing infra-technologies in various occupations in the State.
  3. Data referral system for available technologies developed by CSIR, DST and several other establishments for dissemination to potential technology users
  4. Generation of local situation specific technologies in collaboration with capable organizations


Technology Demonstration to the different technology users for assessment of technology requirements in all the developmental sectors of the state.


To provide a single window service to the technology users for dissemination of appropriate technologies seems to hold much promise to effective S&T intervention in development activities in the state. Setting up of a reliable system of technology information sourcing, retrieval and dissemination will serve different parties viz., technology generators, technology traders, technology users (entrepreneurs, NGOs and government line departments, researchers etc.) and financing institutions at a time together thereby causing a synergistic boost of technology-pushed industrial activity at all levels. Such a system may be able to change the industrial scenario in Manipur.


The objectives of the project were met through the following methodologies:

Extensive survey and inventorisation of infra-technologies in all sectors and assessment of technology requirements:

a) Resource inventorisation & identification of resource linked industries

b) Inventorisation of traditional skills, methods & tools used in economic activities

c) Survey of social & traditional attitudes towards technology interventions

d) Assessments of technology requirements in i) farm and ii) non-farm sectors

2. Setting up of CD-ROM based data referral system for appropriate technologies through:

a) Tie up with several technology generators, technology traders, R&D institutions etc. and also with technology transfer organizations -
national and international

b) Software development & preparation of CD-ROM data referral system using multi-media

3. Technology information dissemination through:

a) Selling CD-ROM

b) Intranet

c) Internet

d) Hard Copies

e) Publicity

f) Seminars & Workshops (with the assistance from technology generators)

4. Liaison between local entrepreneurs/NGOs with technology providers and financing institutions through:

a) Client initiatives

b) Outreach programmes

5. Technology generation and need-based modification of proven technologies to meet local demands through,

a) MASTEC R&D activity

b) Arrangement with technology generators and traders

6. Internal Review of the clientele build up and performance of the data referral system will be carried out by setting up a committee representing experts,
entrepreneurs, NGOs and Government Departments.


As a part of this project work we have designed and developed a website Technology Business Information System (TBIS). The website was launched on 21st January 2002 at State Guest House, Imphal. Shri K. Kipgen, Advisor to the Governor of Manipur and Shri Rakesh, Chief Secretary, Govt. of Manipur, inaugurated the launching function of TBIS website. Dr. Laxman Prasad, Advisor, DST, Govt. of India and Dr. A.K. Bhatia, Advisor, CSIR, New Delhi were the Guests of honour of the function. TBIS web address is www.mastec.nic.in.The website is hosted by National Informatics Centre (NIC), Govt. of India free of cost.