Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana (PMRY):

The Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana is one of the most important schemes sponsored by the Government of India for generation of employment opportunities to the educated unemployed youths in the country. The scheme was started implementation in Manipur since the year 1993-94. The financing under the scheme is wholly borned by the nationalized banks located in the concerned districts. So far, more than 7,900 educated unemployed youths have been assisted under the scheme involving Rs. 59.84 crores since the initial implementation of the scheme.


Handicrafts of Manipur have a unique place amongst the various crafts of the country. Various kouna products, cane and bamboo items, artistic weaving, woodcarving, etc. have a distinct place of its own.

There are various schemes for development of handicrafts but for want of budgetary support, schemes could not be implemented during the last few years. The Department however, has proposed for approval of a Cane and Bamboo Processing project costing about Rs.10.00 lakhs to the North Eastern Council, Shillong. There is another UNDP sponsored and assisted project for setting up 4(four) common facility centres, 2 for bamboo and 2 for cane allotted for Manipur. The said centres have been selected to run the centres and 100 crafts persons and 50 farmers for plantation of bamboo and cane have also been selected for each of the common facility centres and the same have been recommended to the Government of India. Financial sanction under this project is yet to be accorded.

Food Processing Industries:

The Directorate of Commerce & Industries is functioning as Nodal Agency of Food Processing Industries in Manipur since 1992. Schemes and projects of Food Processing Industries have been taken up since 1993-94 under the guidelines of Department of Food Processing, Government of India. Food Processing Industries covers a wide range of industries including grain processing, fruit and vegetable processing, meat and poultry meat processing, diary and milk processing, fish processing, consumer food processing etc.

One Regional Extension Service Centre and a Food Processing Training Centre had been established at Porompat with the assistance of the Department of Food Processing Industries, Government of India in 1995-96. Expenses for running the centre are sanctioned by the Government of India from time to time.

For want of adequate budgetary support of the State Government, the Department is unable to take up schemes which needed State contributions. In the result, only schemes which could be taken up with adequate contributions from the individual beneficiaries and NGOs were implemented. Currently a project on Supply of Insulated Boxes to the fisher women for which Government of India has sanctioned Rs. 18.11 lakhs, another project for supply of 2 (two) insulated vans for 2 (two) NGOs for which Government of India had sanctioned Rs. 6.11 lakhs, one scheme for installation of 50 (fifty) nos. of 1 TPD Oil Expeller in the State on a sharing basis and a project on modernization of 300 nos. of Huller Rice Mills on 50% sharing basis are in active progress.


The basic objective of the programme is to impart knowledge on the technical know-how, skills, management, etc. to the artisans/trainees for smooth and effective pursuance of their vocations.

There are 23 training centres under the Commerce & Industries Department imparting knowledge in the trades of cane & bamboo, weaving, tailoring, carpentry, carpet weaving, brass and bell metal, foundry, wood carving, block printing, dolls & toys, embroidery, wool knitting and black smith.

There are three types of training courses

1. Elementary course of one year

2. Advance course of one year and

3. Short term course of six months

More than 6000 persons have been trained in various trades mentioned above so far.